This opened 2 weeks ago, the hours are 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Note: These hours are not unique, TJ's also was open 11-3, 6 days a week, other info says it was 5 days (M-F).
More info and photos are at: http://theboxcarcafe.blogspot.com/
"ON A ROLL" Gourmet Sandwich Shop To Open Soon Downtown Kennesaw
You might recall the downtown Kennesaw restaurant "The Boxcar Cafe" and "T J Bryans" http://theboxcarcafe.blogspot.com/, both run by the same people (Natasha, Marie and T J Bryan) at 2893 N. Main Street, just across the parking lot from the Library.
Unfortunately it failed both times, but now after being empty for some time a new gourmet sandwich shop is about to open in the same location.
It is called "On A Roll" and the owner is Anthony Valvo. I note that there is an Allstate Insurance Agent of this name and also there is a man by that name on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anthony.valvo.5/about
As of 1/19/15 the shop is cleared out except for some restaurant type items seen on the sideboard. It is possible that a sandwich shop will be going in shortly.
Monday March 4, 2013
The Kennesaw Watch
FYI: T.J. Bryan's will be closing their present location on Main Street in downtown Kennesaw, on Friday, October 5, 2012. They will be open for Lunch, Monday - Friday from 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. up until the last day they are open for business.
But, the good news is that Bryan and the staff are not leaving the area. There are plans for a larger restaurant, with more parking, a more extensive menu, and possibly adult beverages served. We will miss TJ Bryans, however as one door closes, another door will be opening sometime next year.
Their blog site still is up at: https://www.facebook.com/pages/1-Little-Meal-Inc/162283587267381
The more up to date T J Bryans site can be found at: http://theboxcarcafe.blogspot.com/
Current Hours: 11 am to 3 pm, 6 days a week. For the moment the anticipated breakfast service has not been added. There is an opening for wait staff at present.
Open for Business 6/14/12